"Do, or do not. There is no try."
"It's hard to explain something that doesnt exist to minds that are not ready to accept it"
"Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity"
"Those who know the least know it the loudest"
"A little revolution every day is indeed a good thing. Never let the machine run perfectly, for authority must always be reminded that their power is on loan"
"Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it."
"Nothing is obsolete until it's unusable"
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you’ve created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can’t hide from the things that you’ve done anymore.”
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Oops! Oh well...

Here's some interesting news! I think that this IM conversation pretty much sums it up...

(pdw98 is me)

pdw98: bad news here
cj: whats going on
pdw98: t e r m i n a t e d
pdw98: i am out of a job
cj: oh bugger
cj: why
pdw98: bugger all
pdw98: for doing something stupid
cj: like
pdw98: to make a long story short....
pdw98: i had a deadline for the people under me to have their annual self evaluations completed by a certain date
pdw98: and when that date came i had one person who forgot to do hers
cj: oh
pdw98: so what did i do you ask?
pdw98: i went into the pc and did her self eval for her
pdw98: i didnt realize that it was a "class 1 terminable offense"
cj: oh
cj: oops
pdw98: yes
pdw98: f&%#
pdw98: i did it to myself
pdw98: SO
pdw98: also lost 3 weeks of vacation as well
pdw98: five years in
cj: ouch
pdw98: for something stupid
pdw98: hell
pdw98: i had even evaluated the girl as EE...exceeds expectations
pdw98: doesnt matter in the company's eyes
cj: maybe it is time for redirection
cj: how did they find out?
pdw98: well
pdw98: when the girl went to the pc the following day to do her self eval, it was greyed out
pdw98: so instead of coming to me she goes to my supervisor
pdw98: and he checks it out
pdw98: and the next day he asks me whats going on
pdw98: i tell him and he tells me to put it in writing so he can fax it to associate relations
pdw98: so they come back with "paul f#$%#d up and has to be terminated"
pdw98: they said i was falsifying company documents
pdw98: which in effect was true
pdw98: i should have not done what i did and should have waited one more day for the girl to do her eval
pdw98: i took the deadline seriously
pdw98: too seriously it seems
cj: bugger

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sorry about that

Hey all, I haven't been online much (since the last post) to get any entries done. Hopefully after work today I'll be able to get in a few entries and a few more pictures in as well. Cheers!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A few pics (click on the pics for larger versions)

CJ recently requested that I start posting some of my photographs. So here are a few of my recent favorites. Click on the pictures to see the larger versions. The larger images are pretty large, so click with care!

Here's a different thing to do

As far as writing goes, creativity is not my strong point. It is a real task for me to sit down and type what I feel. Is it ADD? Am I out of practice? Am I just lazy? I don't know or maybe I am just now willing to admit what the real reason(s?) are.
Anyways, I just came up with a neat idea...take requests! In essence, what the reader (you) would do is leave a request for a particular subject within the comments area of this journal entry (or any other entry that specifically solicits requests). I of course reserve the right not to accept any requests, but the challenge would be to not turn any down and force myself to write.

So, any requests?

By the way, I am abandoning using tags with my entries. It's too much of a chore to tag. I wish there was a way that the software could pick out the keywords for me and then tag the entries

What a jumbled mess I am today

I haven't been writing much as I seem to be in some sort of funk. Not that I have ever been much of a writer, I dunno. CJ has been on me to write more about ME and not about what is happening in my everyday life. Part of me wants to write and write and write, but the other part of me just wants to sit on his ass and do nothing all day. With this ADD is that your attention can wander from one thing to thte next to the next to the next in just a few minutes or even seconds, also I have a tendency to get bored really quickly and have to find something newer and more interesting. Hell even as I write this I have skipped forward five songs on the ipod (wait make six) and have stopped typing to look out the window as many times. It is really really difficult to sit still and just write. Maybe I am so out of practice that I have forgotten how to?


Here's a Ben Folds song that I found earlier today that really got my attention:


I must give the impression
that I have the answers for everything.
you were so disappointed
to see me unravel so easily.
It’s only change
only everything I know
even the things
that seem still are still changing.

mother misses her baby
but I only wanted to be me
she changed address and haircuts
and boyfriends and light bulbs it's easy
but it’s only change
only everything I know
even the things
that seem still are still changing

I stay focused on details
it keeps me from feeling the big things
but watch the microscope long enough
things that seem still are still changing


There are many things I want to talk about with this journal but I am just not sure if I want to reveal that much here. If I weren't such a coward I would come out and tell the things I want to tell to the people I want to tell them too, but for now I will play the coward and talk about the "safe" things here.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Everything is [mostly] back to normal

I hope I don't jinx myself when I say that every thing is mostly back to normal. My illness is waning and there is only a residual occasional cough left to remind me that I am still not 100%. On another note I got so fed up with trying to use my cell phone as an mp3 player (with $ spend on a memory card that refused to work properly, $ spent on a 2.5mm to 3.5mm headphones adapter that was ill designed, $ spend on the headphones themselves which aren't needed now and $ spent on a memory card reader for my PC so that I could move music to and from the card. BAH! I have instead elected to get a "real" mp3 player from Apple (this "real" mp3 player being a refurbished 30GB iPod that can do the video playback as well. At least when I go on trips I can have the iPod for video as well as music and audiobooks, instead of lugging the laptop around in the car and airplanes. Being refurbished means that I save about $60 over buying new.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Superbowl Sunday

Today is Super Bowl Sunday and I am off from work. I will confess that even though I am not big fan of football, I will still watch the occasional game. Really though, I watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

CELL POST: Back to work now working like a maniac. The incompetence of my assistant manager seems to know no bounds.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Still sick: day 3 - update

I got home by 10am as I thought I might be. I made an appointment with my family doctor for 2:45pm today and I am hoping that he will perscribe something more useful than cough syrup for this bug that is yet ailing me.

Still sick: day 3

Still sick and I have to go into work today, if only to do some administrative type things. With any luck I will be back home by 10am, but there is no telling.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Home, sick: day 2

The coughing is still no better even with the vaporizer. I am off to the pharamacy to get some cough syrup. As I look outside just now I notice that it is snowing with some light accumulation on the ground so I need to get going with getting the cough syrup. Luckily the pharmacy is just a block away.