"Do, or do not. There is no try."
"It's hard to explain something that doesnt exist to minds that are not ready to accept it"
"Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity"
"Those who know the least know it the loudest"
"A little revolution every day is indeed a good thing. Never let the machine run perfectly, for authority must always be reminded that their power is on loan"
"Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it."
"Nothing is obsolete until it's unusable"
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you’ve created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can’t hide from the things that you’ve done anymore.”
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Seems that the bronchitis has really settled in and has me feeling like crap all over. I am off tomorrow but I don't know if having that day off will be enough to help me get over this thing. Another thing that has me cranky is the whole cell phone thing. Why can't these things "just work"? Dammit.

Issues with the new toys: part 2

I spoke with a very smart sounding level 2 tech at Alltel and she advised that 1) I may have purchased a microSD card that was defective and 2) If I had purchased the microSD card at an Alltel store (where else?) that I could have taken the card back and gotten a new one. Hmmm... I am willing to admit that my cell phone could be finicky enough that it wants a certain quality of memory card. So, what to do? I am considering going to the Alltel store in Cary, NC and seeing if maybe they have an officially sanctioned 2GB card that I can try out in my phone to see if theirs will work. If that is the case then I will have to RMA my memory card back to Newegg.com and purchase one of Alltel's cards (at a higher premium I am sure).

Issues with the new toys

Grrrr. Seems that my cell phone is having difficulties with properly formatting the 2Gb microSD card. The phone is only recognizing 1GB of the 2GB that are available. I need to get on the phone with Alltel to see what is going on and if they have a solution. On a good note, the 1GB that the phone was able to format accepted the mp3s that I put on it and played them back via the phone's hands-free speaker.

UPS has arrived!

The friendly UPS man has just delivered the earbuds and 2GB microSD card. Both from Newegg.com and both for my cell phone. Now all I need is for that 2.5mm to 3.5mm adapter to show up and I will soon be able to use my phone for one of the reasons I purchased it... as a "poor man's ipod". I will report later how well (or not) it all works out.

Home, sick

Since the docs gave me a "get out of work for a day card" (a.k.a. "doctors note") I am home for today. I am also off on thursday since that was a scheduled day off for me, so that gives me two days to get better with this bronchitis thing! I will probably spend the day being either a couch potato watching tv or a PC potato messing about on the internet. My only real concern is that I am supposed to have next week's schedule posted into the VLM (Visual Labor Management) application by 12 noon on Thursday and that could be a problem if I am at home! I guess Scott + company (my boss + Harris Teeter) will have to wait till Friday when I go back to work!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

CELL POST: Doc says bronchitis for sure. Gave me a 'stay out of work for a day' note and two Rx, one of them an inhaler (albuterol).
CELL POST: It really stinks having a 160 chara limit with sms txt posts. I should have gotten the phone that has a QWERTY keyboard.
CELL POST: I am at the docs being seen for my alleged bronchitis. Looks like it will be a long wait. glad i got solitaire for my cell.