"Do, or do not. There is no try."
"It's hard to explain something that doesnt exist to minds that are not ready to accept it"
"Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity"
"Those who know the least know it the loudest"
"A little revolution every day is indeed a good thing. Never let the machine run perfectly, for authority must always be reminded that their power is on loan"
"Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it."
"Nothing is obsolete until it's unusable"
“You cannot play God then wash your hands of the things that you’ve created. Sooner or later, the day comes when you can’t hide from the things that you’ve done anymore.”
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tale from Midnight City

This is a well done bit of machinima, probably some of the best looking I have ever seen. I am drawn to this video for some reason that I cannot explain.

From Boing Boing:

Machinima noir: dark and lovely
Wagner James Au sez, "I just posted an interview with the director of "Tale from Midnight City", a dark and gorgeous Second Life machinima perhaps best described as "pagan *noir*". Just as cool, it's fully CCed, licensed Sharealike, with music from the Opsound.org collection, and sound effects from the CC-based Freesound Project."

This is the loveliest, most haunting piece of machinima I've ever seen.

The inspiration began with the mask, a free gift from the “Mask and Feathers” store of dzogchen Moody. "It’s such an incredible piece that I wanted to find an outfit to show it off." She added feathers and other assorted parts from various shops. From this, Lainy's Death was born. At first, the plan was just to take some dramatic shots of her avatar from the clock tower under the permanent dark sky of Midnight City.

"The pictures weren’t really capturing the right feel and [I] decided to see how it looked as a recording," she continues. "From there I moved to the bar in the city, which I remembered had the most beautiful lighting, and continued to film shots." Only then did the kernel of a story emerge. Midnight City, she says, "reminds me of a noir movie, so tried to create a character that would live in that place."

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